
History of Psychiatry

English and German Books about the History of Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology (update of the bibliography in: Hans Bangen, Geschichte der medikamentösen Therapie der Schizophrenie, Berlin 1992 more)

Boyle, Mary: Schizophrenia - A Scientific Delusion? (2002/2. Auflage) 362 Pages

Braslow, Joel: Mental Ills and Bodily Cures (1997) 240 Pages

Fisher, Seymour; Greenberg, Roger: From Placebo to Panacea - Puting psychiatric drugs to the Test (1997) 304 Pages

Gelman, Sheldon: Medicating Schizophrenia (New Brunswick 1999) 274 Pages

Grob, Gerald N.: The mad among us: a history of the care of America's mentally ill (New York 1994)

Healy, David: The Psychopharmacologists : Interviews (London 1996) 633 Pages

Healy, David: The Antidepressant Era (Cambridge 1997)

Healy, David: The Psychopharmacologists II (London 1998) 640 Pages

Healy, David: The Psychopharmacologists III (London 2000) 580 Pages

Healy, David: The Creation of Psychopharmacology (2002) 469 Pages

Horwitz, V. Allan: Creating Mental Illness (2002)

Kneeland, Timothy W., Warren, Carol A. B.: Pushbutton Psychiatry - A History of Electroshock in America (2002) 135 Pages

Kramer, Peter D.: Listening to Prozac (New York 1993)

Kutchins H., Kirk S. A.: Making Us Crazy: The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental Disorders (New York 1997)

Müller, Christian: Vom Tollhaus zum Psychozentrum (Hürtgenwald 1993) 281 Pages

Müller, Christian: Wer hat die Geisteskranken von den Ketten befreit?

Porter, Roy: Madness (2002)

Shorter, Edward: A History of Psychiatry (New York 1997) deutsche Übersetzung: Geschichte der Psychiatrie (1999) Rezension von Jens Clausen

Steinberg, Holger: Kraepelin in Leipzig (Bonn 2001)

Stone, Michael H.: Healing the Mind (1997)

Valenstein, Elliot: Blaming the Brain (1998) 320 Pages

Weber, Matthias M.: Die Entwicklung der Psychopharmakologie im Zeitalter der naturwissenschaftlichen Medizin (München 1999) 244 Pages

Whitaker, Robert: Mad in America (2002) 304 Pages www.madinamerica.com


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